Community groups that make a worthwhile difference to the county are in the running for this award. Whether they are working with the police to make a community a safer place; or with schools or the elderly; or raising funds for a local cause. The judges are looking for the group that is at the very heart of its community.
This award will be given to the teacher or coach who goes the extra mile in ensuring that teams and individuals get the support they need to flourish. Be it in a school or an extra-curricular setting, a sports club, athletics club, a drama or dance school, we are looking for someone who has a passion for what they do and puts the people or team they are coaching at the centre of their work. If you are or know a teacher of coach that puts the fun into fractions or a coach that cares, we want to hear from you.
Is your business successful, innovative, based in the county and communities of Wiltshire? If so, we would love to hear from you. To qualify, businesses must have a turnover of up to £20 million. We are looking for financial success and growth, talent engagement, and a solid, proven and sustainable business that is set to take you into the future. Entrants must provide the last 2 years profit & loss financials, if this is not provided the entry will be discounted, and will not be put forward for judging. The information provided is strictly confidential.
This award will be presented to the person or organisation who has produced a high quality product, whether it is vegetable, meat, fish, dairy or beverage and who has developed strategies to market and sell his/her product throughout the county and beyond. We are looking for evidence of locally sourced ingredients, excellent customer service and strong community engagement.
The judges are looking for an environmentally or historically sensitive project. The scheme or project can range in scale and size from a local wildlife initiative or historic building restoration, through to agricultural or estate management demonstrating bio-diversity, positive environmental impact and sustainable farming methods.
We are looking for Wiltshire based charities who work to support those in Wiltshire who need help and support. The charity can support any area of need: people, animals, buildings, the environment. You must be a registered charity and provide your charity number to enter.
The local pub is the heart of any community, and we are looking for a vibrant, welcoming local that serves this tradition. The pub should offer a good selection of local ales, and if food is served, we would love to see support of local food producers, growers and suppliers. We are looking for a pub that supports its local community and in turn is supported by locals as well as attracting those from further afield. Please include what you do in the and how you are part of the community.
This award recognises a local business that has launched an inspirational ‘green’ campaign, or has imbedded sustainability and best green practice in everything it does. It may be that your business has strict policies around the use of single life plastic, looks to drive new and sustainable ways of working or sourcing materials, or reducing food waste. We would love to hear from those companies who care passionately about our environment and our future through finding ways to make a real difference.
This be awarded to the person who has made the most outstanding contribution to the business community in the county and is aged 30 years or under by 30 September 2023.
Is there someone in your local community who is achieving great results early in his or her career, started their own business or been pivotal in driving innovation into the work place? Do you know a young person who has started his or her own business or has influenced the business they work in?
This award will be presented to an individual, professional or amateur, in any sport who has made the most significant contribution to sport as a result of individual or team achievement. Additional merit will be awarded where sport has been used in a community sense or to place Wiltshire on a national/international platform. The nominee must be between 16-30 by 30 September 2023.
The judges will be looking for either an independent retailer, which will be an owner-operated small retailer, usually a single store shop, but with no more than three outlets altogether, or a village or farm shop rooted in the community, serving local ingredients. The judges will look to for retailer/shop owners who demonstrate business acumen and presentational flair and who deliver a great service to customers.
This award is seeking nominations from all parts of the county for this broad category that looks to recognise and reward an unsung community hero. Nominees might be the linchpin of the local community, working to ensure we all receive a good service, whether milkman, postman or community policeman. Nominees may be working for the government, a private company or a charity. Or they may simply be volunteers. The main criteria is that they are held in the highest esteem in their community and provide a service that is invariably understated but essential.
The Apprentice of the Year Award recognises the achievements of apprentices, graduate apprentices and graduates and the contribution they make to the Wiltshire economy and growth. Entrants must demonstrate outstanding commitment to their professional development, and show how they have made a positive difference to their employer by finding ways to grow in their role and help add value to the business. Nominations for this award can come from a business, college, university, a family member or friend.
The county is home to many sculptors, artists, photographers, musicians and writers. Wiltshire Life would like to recognise the best of them. Open to individuals and groups, this award will be looking at excellence in the arts.
The Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to the person, currently living in Wiltshire, who has made a significant contribution to the county. The judges will be looking for the most distinguished service or remarkable achievements displayed over a sustained period time.
The Pride of Wiltshire Award is a special award presented to the organisation that Wiltshire Life and the judging panel are proud to have located in the county. The organisation will have made a significant contribution to the county over a period of time and will continue to be an asset to the community for many years to come. Winners will enter a Wiltshire Life ‘Hall of Fame’, of which the inaugural winners were Walter Rose & Sons, in Devizes, followed by Salisbury Cathedral in 2015, Celebrate Voice in 2017, The Wiltshire Emergency Services in 2019, David Halls, Director of Music at Salisbury Cathedral in 2020, Wiltshire Community Foundation in the 2021 Virtual Ceremony, Wiltshire Air Ambulance in 2022 and Youth Adventure Trust in 2023
PLEASE NOTE: This is not open for general entry.